The Class IV Laser Vs. Rotator Cuff Pain
Many individuals every year suffer from types of shoulder injuries ranging from the very simple strain to surgical candidacy. These injuries potentially can be brutal. The pain can be excruciating and very disrupting to everyday life. Losing sleep too? You are not alone. In the office, we see so many patients suffering from shoulder pain even after surgical intervention. I, myself, had suffered from a chronic dislocating left shoulder due to a football accident in 2010 while at college. There were days when I thought surgery was inevitable and eventually was going to be the only answer to my problems. Now, I think back on not receiving surgical intervention and how lucky I am to this day that I did not choose to go that route after so many patients report dismay after undergoing such procedures.
What worked for me? Well it's quite simple. A $10 per month gym membership, getting Chiropractic adjustments, and Class IV Laser treatments. The average price for shoulder surgery in 2018 ranges anywhere from $5,000 to $25,000. You can infer the cost discrepancy present in those two scenarios. I have full range of motion, I work out regularly, I do not have daily pain, and my shoulder has not presented any problems for me in years. The Orthopedic Surgeons looked me right in the eye in 2010 and told me I would never be able to lift another weight or hold anything above my head again if I did not have surgery. I wish they could see me now.
The point of this piece is to illuminate just how many options you have. Even when you may feel backed into a corner, always explore other alternatives. In a case study published by Dr. Lee E. Zohn, he concluded that "the patient response demonstrated the effectiveness of class IV laser on post surgical healing and restoration of function following surgery to the right rotator cuff. All outcome measures improved dramatically." This study was conducted and concluded in just six Class IV Laser sessions.
Rotator cuff injuries are serious and should not go untreated. For a fraction of the cost of surgical intervention, it is a worthwhile venture to exhaust the possibility of relief from Class IV Laser therapy. As a Doctor having experienced how much Class IV Laser can help on a personal level, I cannot stress the impact it has had on my own life and livelihood for the better.