Blood Chemistry Analysis

Functional Blood Chemistry Analysis gives you a window into your health that you can easily understand and observe as your treatment plan makes an impact. By utilizing our analysis software, we can start shaping your blood chemistry through dietary and supplemental efforts. Tiny lifestyle changes can have tremendous impact on your health and with our blood chemistry review process, we know exactly how to affect your health for the better.


Our process

  1. Become a patient and set up a blood work consultation with one of our Doctors in person or online!

  2. Visit a blood work lab in your area after we prescribe your testing to get your blood drawn.

  3. Schedule a follow up with one of our Doctors to assess and analyze your results.

  4. Follow the action steps outlined in your blood chemistry optimization review.

  5. Every 2-3 months, we will retest your blood chemistry to evaluate how your lifestyle changes are affecting your lab work!